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Our mission is to inform and educate


Although centered in a well-developed area, Rider's campus is home to many wildlife species.  A diverse array of ecological habitats affords homes to a wide variety of different animals, many of which are unknown to people who spend time on campus.  This guide was put together with the intention of documenting all of the different animal sightings recorded on campus.  With this site, we hope users learn more about our wildlife and contribute to its preservation.


To identify as many species spending time in campus habitats, we searched  through photo archives, and interviewed  people who have spent a lot of time on campus observing wildlife.  This is a website that will need to be constantly updated, as new species are seen on campus.  


This wildlife guide was created by Timothy Forrest with additional research from Amanda Schopf, revised and updated by Jack Sangillo and Ashley Murphy. They were assisted by Pam Rivera, Mark Manning, Dr. Curt Elderkin, Rob Nuckols and Dr. Kathleen Browne. Pam and Rob provided access to their immense catalog of campus photographs, Mark and Dr. Elderkin aided in the identification of a many of the species, and Dr. Browne  helped with the collection of data.

All of the photos of organisms contained within this web page were taken and provided by Pam Rivera unless otherwise noted.  We strive to only use pictures taken on campus, however some species have been spotted but have yet to be photographed.

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